Dancer as Sagimusume

Title: Dancer as Sagimusume
Creator: Kokyo
Medium: color woodcut, print 
Dimensions: 39 x 25 cm
Repository: Wetmore Print Collection, Art History Dept, Cummings Arts Center, Connecticut College, New London Donated by Prof. Caroline Black, Botany Dept, Connecticut College
Image Description: This image shows a dancer dressed in white against a dark, gradient background. The dancer’s face is hidden behind an umbrella and under a veil. Her eyes, the only piece for her face visible to the audience, gaze towards the inside of the umbrella. Her eyes show almost a lack of emotion as she stares at the umbrella as she avoids eye contact with the viewer. This entices the viewer to follow her into the abyss surrounding her to see what she is hiding. Is she hiding her identity or is she hiding from someone in the audience as she performs. Around her waist is a black belt with star-like designs in a golden yellow and white. At the bottom of her robe we can see the reverse side which is a pearly white color and lacey.

KOKYO, Japanese. Dancer as Sagimusume, Spirit of Heron. color woodcut. Place: Wetmore Print Collection, Art History Dept, Cummings Arts Center, Connecticut College, New London, Donated by Prof. Caroline Black, Botany Dept, Connecticut College.

Author: Sophie Kyle

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