Lohan 2

Title: Lohan 2
Artist: Unidentified 
Location: New London, Connecticut
Culture: Chinese
Medium: Ivory Sculpture 
Repository: Connecticut College 

Lohan 2 can be seen with a subtle smile on his face, signifying enlightenment. In his left hand he holds a tall dragon staff. In Chinese culture, dragons are significant and portray power, creativity, heaven, and good fortune. Lohan 2 wears long robes which clothe him entirely, this is unlike some Lohans who reveal their belly or chest. In my research I have found Lohan 2 to be most congruous to the Long Eyebrow Lohan (Asita). According to legend, Asita was born with two long white eyebrows. Similarly, the ivory sculpture is bald with two long eyebrows falling past his chin onto his chest. Asita is said to be a compassionate elder, a monk who has achieved enlightenment, and a monk who is perceptive of the infinite universe.





Author: Nefertari Pierre-Louis

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