Sam van Schaik. “The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, vol. 65, no. 1, 2002, pp. 129–139. JSTOR, Accessed 1 Mar. 2021.
Van Schaik’s journal on “The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China” highlights the significance of the Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts located in the Gansu Collections, in China. Many of the findings from the important explorations of the Dunhuang caves are located in France and the United Kingdom and are adequately studied. Van Schaik, however, argues that the value of the Gansu collections within China should not be overlooked. His journal article states that they provide key insights into early Tibetan Buddhism. To craft his argument, the author utilizes quantitative data on the amount of manuscripts left within China and the amount that were taken to Europe during the first expeditions as well as what was left in the cave, and why it is so crucial to study it.
The author’s argument was certainly convincing, though some visuals of the Gansu collection would have served to make the article more interesting and engaging.