Author: Finn Boed
Hiroshima Panels IX Yaizu
Title: IX Yaizu (ninth of the series, Hiroshima Panels) Creator: Maruki Iri, Maruki Toshi Date: 1955 Period: Post-WWII US Occupation…
Hiroshima Panels I Ghosts
Title: I Ghosts (first of the series, Hiroshima Panels) Creator: Maruki Iri, Maruki Toshi Date: 1950 Period: Post-WWII US Occupation…
“‘A Matter of Life and Death’: Kawabata on the Value of Art after the Atomic Bombings.”
MILLER, MARA. “‘A Matter of Life and Death’: Kawabata on the Value of Art after the Atomic Bombings.” The Journal…
Hiroshima Panels XIII Death of the American Prisoners of War
Title: XIII Death of the American Prisoners of War, (thirteenth of the series, Hiroshima Panels) Creator: Maruki Iri, Maruki Toshi…
Hiroshima Panels III Water
Title: III Water (third of the series, Hiroshima Panels) Creator: Maruki Iri, Maruki Toshi Date: c. 1950 Period: Post-Word War…
Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series
Title: Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series Creator: Unknown; Commissioned by Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo (1382-1456) Date: c. 1429–56 Period: Location:…
“The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China”
Sam van Schaik. “The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of…
“Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism”
Huntington, Susan L. “Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism.” Art Journal 49, no. 4 (1990): 401-08. Accessed February…
Jomon Vessel with Flame-like Ornamentation
Title: Jomon Vessel with Flame-like Ornamentation Creator: Unknown Date: 3000-2000 B.C. Period: Jomon Period Location: Umataka, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata Culture: Japanese…
Shroud Sewn with Silk Thread
Title: Shroud Sewn with Silk Thread Creator: Unknown Date: ca.205 B.C. – 24 A.D. Period: Han Dynasty Location: Guangzhou, China…
The Gundestrup Cauldron
Title: The Gundestrup Cauldron Creator: Unknown Date: 150 B.C. – 0 A.D. Period: Iron Age Location: Contemporary Southwest Romania or…