Tag: Buddhism

Head of Buddha

DVCs: This part of a statue is of Buddha. You can see his signature top knot, longer earlobes, clean shaven…

Wondrous Peak at Sunset

Title: Wondrous Peak at SunsetDate: 2017Artist: Wang ManshengMedium: Limited edition print Repository: Chu-Griffiths Asian Art Collection, Shain Library, Conn College,…

Posted in Connecticut College Image

Temple in the Winter

Subject: Landscape  Digital number: Black 060Title: Asa Kusa Temple in Winter Creation date: c1810Material: Ink on paper/ color woodcutSize: 21×23Description: Temple…

Posted in Connecticut College Image

Three Buddhas with Poem from Monk Jichan

Title: Three Buddhas with Poem from Monk Jichan Artist: Mansheng Wang Date: 2010 Repository: On loan at Connecticut College Size:…

Posted in Connecticut College Image

Asa Kusa Temple in Winter

Title: Asa Kusa Temple in WinterCulture: JapaneseWork Type: color woodcutDate: 1810Material: ink on paperDimensions: 21 x 35 cmRepository: Wetmore Print…

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“Universal Gateway,” Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra

Title: “Universal Gateway,” Chapter 25 of the Lotus SutraLocation: New York, NY United StatesCulture: JapanMedium: Handscroll; ink, color, and gold…

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Fasting Siddhartha

Title: Fasting Siddhartha Physical Location: Lahore Museum, Pakistan Location Created: Sikri (Gandhara Region), Khaibar Pakhtun Khuwa, Pakistan Physical Dimensions: W.21” H.33” D.10” Rights: Lahore Museum,…

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Fasting Buddha Shakyamuni

Title: Fasting Buddha Shakyamuni Period: Kushan period Date: 3rd–5th century Culture: Pakistan (ancient region of Gandhara) Dimensions: H. 10 15/16 in. (27.8 cm) Classification: Sculpture This…

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Gandhara Art, Emaciated Buddha

In art, while most seated Buddhas are always seen as healthy, happy, and peaceful looking, a number of rare sculptures…

Schist Head of the Fasting Buddha

The schist head of the fasting buddha is a bust of sorts that depicts Siddhartha who on his way to…

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Schist head of the fasting Buddha

Title: Schist head of the fasting Buddha Date Created: 100/299 Dimensions: Height: 22.30cm; Width: 12.70cm; Diameter: 18.50cm; Weight: 7.00kg (estimated weight) Technique: carved Production…

“The Origin of the Buddha Image”

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. “The Origin of the Buddha Image.” The Art Bulletin 9, no. 4 (1927): 287-329. Accessed February 23,…

Posted in Bibliography

“Belief in God: Why People Believe, and Why They Don’t”

Mercier, Brett, Stephanie R. Kramer, and Azim F. Shariff. “Belief in God: Why People Believe, and Why They Don’t.” Current…

Posted in Editor's Pick Exhibition

The Power of Figurines and Physicality: A Study of Buddhism Deities and how Their Figurines Came to be

Overview: Throughout almost all religions across the world, an innumerable amount of deities exist, spanning polytheistic and monotheistic institutions alike….

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Title: Manjushri Location: Undiscovered Culture: Buddhism Medium: Gilt Bronze Dimensions: Height: 23 in, Width: 14 3/4 in, Length: 10 1/2…

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Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

Title: Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Location: Kathmadu Valley, Nepal Culture: Indian Medium: Copper, gold leaf, semi-precious stones Dimensions: Width: 170cm, Height: 473cm,…

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The Buddhist Deity Hevajra

Title: The Buddhist Deity Hevajra Location: Tibet Culture: Tibetan Medium: Copper alloy with traces of gilding Dimensions: Height: 6 1/4…

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Protector Deity Kshetrapala

Title: Protector Deity Kshetrapala Location: Tibet, Tsang Provence Culture: Tibetan Medium: Gilded copper alloy with traces of paint. Dimensions: Height:…

Standing Buddha

Details Title: Standing Buddha Creator: Unknown Date: 4th Century Type: bronze External Link: http://syuweb.kyohaku.go.jp/ibmuseum_public/index.php?app=shiryo&mode=detail&list_id=444878&data_id=4059 This gilt bronze statue is a Buddha standing on a…

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Jizo Bosatsu Standing on a Double Lotus

Title: Jizo Bosatsu Standing on a Double Lotus Location: Japan Culture: Japan (15th Century AD) Medium: Gilded Wood Dimensions: Width:…

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A Woman Who Paints Thangkas

Professor Xue’s documentary, “A Woman Who Paints Thangkas” provides an enthralling glimpse into the life of Lutso, a female Thangka…

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“A Gift of 5 Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Objects”

KASDORF, KATHERINE E. “A GIFT OF FIVE TIBETAN BUDDHIST RITUAL OBJECTS.” The Journal of the Walters Art Museum, vol. 73, 2018,…

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Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series

Title: Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series Creator: Unknown; Commissioned by Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo (1382-1456) Date: c. 1429–56 Period: Location:…

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A Woman Who Paints Thangkas

In Professor Ming Xue’s film, A Woman Who Paints Thangkas, there is not only an intense focus on Chinese thangkas,…

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Meditating Avalokiteśvara

Name of Piece: Meditating Avalokiteśvara Artist: Lutso Date Created: 2018 Medium and Materials: Natural mineral pigments (coral stone) and gold…

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Painting from the series on the Sarvavid Vairocana Mandala, consisting of 54 miniatures that depict a meditation process

Title: Painting from the series on the Sarvavid Vairocana Mandala, consisting of 54 miniatures that depict a meditation process Creator:…

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Amitabha in Sukhavati Pure Land

Title: Amitabha in Sukhavati Pure Land Period: Late 19th Century Location: Central Tibet, Lhasa Medium: Mineral pigments on sized cotton; Chinese Qing…

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Mogao Grottoes Cave 285

Cave Number: Mogao Grottoes Cave 285 Date: Western Wei Dynasty 535-556 A.D. Cave Form: Truncated Pyramidal Ceiling Location: Dunhuang, China References:…

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“The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China”

Sam van Schaik. “The Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts in China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of…

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“Scenes of Hell and Damnation in Dunhuang Murals”

Moretti, Costantino. “Scenes of Hell and Damnation in Dunhuang Murals.” Arts Asiatiques, vol. 74, 2019, pp. 5–30. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26904730. This reading explores…

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“(Un)making Idolatry: From Mecca to Bamiyan”

Elias, Jamal J. “(Un) Making Idolatry: From Mecca to Bamiyan.” Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism, vol….

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Head of the Fasting Buddha

Title: Head of the Fasting Buddha Location: Gandhara, Pakistan Period: 2nd Century -3rd Century Culture: Kushan Medium: Schist Stone Dimensions: Diameter: 18.50 centimetres Height:…

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“Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism”

Huntington, Susan L. “Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism.” Art Journal 49, no. 4 (1990): 401-08. Accessed February…

Thinking Bodhisattva

Creator: Unknown (People of the Gandharan Empire) Date: 4th-6th century C.E. Culture: Gandharan culture, Hadda region Medium: Terracotta Dimensions: Overall:…

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Fasting Siddhartha

Title: Fasting Siddhartha Location: Sikri, Khaibar Pakhtun, Pakistan Culture: Gandhara Medium: Schist StoneDimensions: W.21” H.33” D.10” – Measurements taken by…

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Gandhara Buddha

Title: Buddha Date: 6th-7th century Date Created: 0500, 6th-7th century Physical Dimensions: H 14 3/4 x W 9 3/4 x D 3 1/2 in….

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“The Greek Origin of the Image of Buddha”

Foucher, Alfred. “The Greek Origin of the Image of Buddha.” The Beginnings of Buddhist Art, and Other Essays in Indian and…

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“The Origin of the Buddha Image”

According to Coomaraswamy, the original depictions of the Buddha are usually aniconic figures such as lotus flowers or a bodhi…

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“Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism”

Huntington, Susan L. “Early Buddhist Art and the Theory of Aniconism.” Art Journal 49, no. 4 (1990): 401-08. Accessed February…